
 The original WebGL build of this game was a product of my second ever gamejam. The theme of Global Game Jam 2017 was “Waves”, our group decided to run with the idea of echolocation. This game functions like an auto-runner, where the stage is constantly passing you by, regardless of input. We made a total of 13 different levels and a working level generator to randomize the order of levels.

I returned to Bat.Wav in order to teach myself how to build and launch a mobile game. Over the course of two weeks, I quadrupled the level count, added new enemy types, remade the scoring system,. reworked the movement to better suit mobile, added increased speed and enemy count over time, fixed bugs and applied a lot of polish.


  • Platform: Android

  • Engine: Unity

  • Team Size: (Initial Build) 6 , (Enhanced Android Build) 1

  • Role: (Initial Build) Enemy Design, (Enhanced Android Build) Gameplay Design, Programming


Turn-Based RPG Prototype


Kindred Spirit